Sue McCann
HCPC, RCSLT, ASLTIP Speech and Language Specialist
BSc Clinical Language Sciences Leeds Polytechnic
Post Registration Paediatric Dysphagia – Quest Training/Accreditation RCSLT
Sue is a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist who has worked in the NHS for 30 + years in a variety of roles including Multi -Disciplinary, Child Development Centre settings, Special Schools and Units as well as within various pre-school community settings and teams.
Sue is experienced in working with children and families both in their homes as well as education, childcare and respite settings, supporting children wherever they may be eating or be fed and contributing to EHCP reports and process.
Sue has worked with children and young people from 12 months to 19 years and facilitated their transition of care to adult services.
Sue is experienced in delivering both online and face to face assessments and observations, in order to assess and understand the presenting concerns and challenges. Sue has clinical experience working with children and young people with both physical and learning disabilities, rare physical health conditions and syndromes as well as ARFID and complex feeding presentations including both motor and sensory based difficulties with Eating Drinking and Swallowing.
Sue is passionate about sharing information and supporting key individuals in a child/young person’s life to develop a greater understanding of their challenges, so that they can so that they can receive optimum support and achieve their potential.